1. TOP
  2. LD/LED
  3. 700 nm - 1399 nm

型番:RLLD0016 メーカー:RealLight Technology 商品コード:L001994

Dual Wavelength 980nm + 808nm, 15 Watts of Output Power at Both Wavelengths

メーカー希望小売価格: Request Price 波長: 980nm-808nm
出力: 15W-15W
パッケージ: Fiber Coupled Laser Module
テクノロジー: Dual Wavelength Module

Product Overview:
This laser diode is a dual wavelength module that delivers simultaneous output at both 808nm and 980nm wavelengths. Both wavelengths deliver output power up to 15 Watts. These fiber coupled high power modules offer high wavelength stability. They are used primarily for medical and materials processing applications.
Both wavelengths offer industry leading slope efficiency values at 1.9 watts per ampere for 808nm, and 1.5 watts per ampere for the 980nm wavelength. Both of the internal sources are based on dual emitter technology with devices mounted in series. Each dual emitter requires approximately 10 Amps of drive current with less than 4 volts of compliance voltage. These modules come with an integrated thermistor for temperature control. They also come with an integrated MPD for power monitoring and automatic power control.

価格 地域 代理店

